Robots are revolutionising industrial inspection. Here’s how

October 11, 2021

Industries all over the world are transitioning to Industry 4.0 through the digitalisation of their work systems and processes. Autonomous mobile robots are accelerating this transition by revolutionising operations through the optimization of industrial inspections.

Robots such as Spot and Rover are increasingly being deployed to perform autonomous inspections in several industrial facilities

Elaborating on the challenges of manual inspection and how autonomous robots are revolutionising operations by overcoming these challenges, forms the focus of this succinct article written by Marc Dassler, CEO of Energy Robotics in the web magazine, Automation and Digitalisierung.

Reliable daily inspections are critical for safe and efficient operations in the oil and gas industry. This article covers the various inspection methods ensuring smooth operations

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Looking for the perfect robot to streamline your operations? Our comprehensive guide helps you choose the ideal robot for your business,

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Vladimir Margolin
Vice President Global Sales